NYC Releases Annual Mayor's Management Report on Fleet


Each year, the NYC Mayor’s Office of Operations prepares the Mayor’s Management Report (MMR), a comprehensive look at city government performance in each agency. Fleet has its own section of the MMR, as well as contributions in the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) section.  

In FY20, Fleet made progress in many areas, while some areas of initiative were delayed due to COVID-19.

In March 2019, Mayor de Blasio issued Executive Order 41 which called for the reduction of at least 1,000 vehicles by June 30, 2021. The baseline year for the initiative was the Preliminary MMR of FY19 when the fleet had 31,159 total owned vehicles and 25,690 on-road units. In the FY20 MMR, it's reporting 30,502 total fleet units and 24,877 on-road units.

Tied to fleet reduction, it reported its largest revenue program for used cars ever at $11.6 million, $2 million more than last year. 

Even beyond fleet count, the most important aspect of this environmental initiative is to reduce fuel use. Fleet used over 3 million fewer gallons of liquid fuel in FY20 compared to the full year FY18. It did not achieve gains in biofuel use due to COVID-19, which delayed its renewable diesel procurement, originally scheduled for Feb. DCAS Procurement has just recently reissued a public notice of this procurement, which is available here.

The fuel economy (Fleet MPG) of city vehicles has greatly improved from 6.1 in FY18 to 6.5 in FY19, and 7.0 in FY20. Fleet MPG, as reported in the MMR, adds fuel use for all off-road and small equipment units (like chainsaws) to the vehicles with which they operate. Fleet MPG captures all fleet and equipment related fuel use.

Its alternative fuel program achieved all new milestones with 19,100 total alternative powered vehicles or 65% of the fleet, and 2,747 plug-in electric units. As it expands its hybrid fleet in policing, it will see continued increases in the alternative fuel percent. It received far fewer new electric vehicles than ordered in FY20 due to disruptions in vehicle manufacturing caused by COVID-19.  

Fleet saw reductions in collision rate in FY20. However, there were some very serious crashes and it remains committed to further advancing vehicle safety, especially truck related. It suspended vehicle safety training in Feb. due to COVID-19, but has re-introduced safety training online and over 800 drivers have already participated. 

The department achieved cost reductions in expense funded areas including repair, fuel, and light-duty vehicle procurement while maintaining a healthy capital investment in heavy-duty, specialized, and emergency trucks and equipment.  

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