The City of Fort Collins, Colo., was named the No. 1 fleet among the Leading Fleets at the Government Fleet Virtual Honors Celebration on June 16.
The operation was chosen for its commitment to training and environmental initiatives.
"I'd like to acknowledge our city leadership," said Tracy Ochsner, assistant operations services director for the City of Fort Collins, at the awards ceremony. "It's not always easy introducing electric cars, propane, and CNG [compressed natural gas] aftermarket conversions to your customers. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank our city manager and city council for creating policies that our fleet goals are in alignment with. Your vision and leadership have given us the opportunity to try new things, which has helped us become a leader in many fleet related initiatives.
The award is co-produced with the American Public Works Association (APWA) and sponsored by Ford. Tony Gratson, Ford's government sales manager, announced the winner. Judges Brian Franklin, CPFP, administrative manager, City of Tulsa, Okla.; Sam Lamerato, retired fleet manager and APWA representative; Kelly Reagan, fleet administrator, City of Columbus, Ohio; and Brad Salazar, director of fleet management, City & County of Denver, were present to name the 50 Leading Fleets and congratulate the winner.
Government Fleet also named the No. 1 fleets in size categories — the No. 1 small fleet (499 or fewer assets) is the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Ill., with 376 vehicles, and the No. 1 mid-size fleet (500-999 assets) is the Denver International Airport, Colo., with 940 units. The City of Fort Collins is also the No. 1 large fleet (1,000 or more assets), with 1,412 vehicles.
Staff also announced the top 20 ranked fleets and recognized the remaining Leading Fleets and Notable Fleets.
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