New York's Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan, who served as a captain in the U.S. Army, said June 8 that an armored vehicle that formerly belonged to the Army should be removed from the fleet of the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office. His detailed opinion can be found in this Albany Times Union op-ed he wrote about demilitarizing U.S. police departments.

Ulster County Sheriff Juan Figueroa on June 9 rejected Ryan's call to remove the vehicle, stating it is a defensive vehicle that has no weapons and is intended for such uses as "removing children in the event of a school shooting...respond[ing] to a bomb threat to safely transport bomb technicians closer to the crisis location...for swift-water rescue during floods," and for responding to spills of toxic or other dangerous fluids. He added that a civilian armored vehicle costs more than $250,000. The sheriff's full response can be found in this Facebook post

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