Designed for extra adaptability, Volvo Construction Equipment’s new PT125C is a nine-wheeled pneumatic tire roller for roadway construction and resurfacing applications. The machine delivers high-performance compaction and uniform smoothness, according to the manufacturer.
The PT125C, powered by the Tier 4 Final D3.3 Volvo engine, employs a kneading action for the compaction of hot- and warm-mix asphalt. The machine is also appropriate for chip seal applications, thanks to its heavy-duty 14-ply tires that press the aggregate into the binder without fracturing.
Pneumatic Tire Rollers Remove Air Voids
“Pneumatic tire rollers utilize individual tire pressure and ply rating plus ballasted weight to knead or manipulate the material from the surface to depth. Compaction occurs from the top down,” explained Mark Eckert, compaction product manager for Volvo Construction Equipment. “This effectively removes unwanted air voids from the material to increase material bearing capacity and strength.”
Pneumatic compactors can be used on flexible pavement materials, including hot-mix asphalt, warm-mix asphalt, and granular and mixed soils, Eckert said. Heavier ballasted weights or higher tire pressures are usually selected for materials that are more difficult to compact because of thicker material lifts or layers. Lighter weights and lower pressures work better to compact thinner layers or easily compacted materials such as hotter, flexible pavement mixes.
The maximum operating weight of the machine can be adjusted from 9,830 to 25,000 lbs. by ballasting with different materials. This helps the operator meet the pressure desired on a particular job.
Staggered Tires Deliver Full-Width Coverage
The rubber tires are built to carry the heaviest loads for optimal performance without compromising component life, according to Volvo. The four front tires are staggered in position to provide overlap with the five rear tires, resulting in full-width coverage. Front and rear tires oscillate independently and conform to the work surface to produce uniform density and sealing, even on irregular surfaces.
By maintaining consistent contact with the material, the PT125C keeps rutting at a minimum and eliminates flaws. This process results in a superior matte finish, according to Volvo.
The PT125C also takes full advantage of Volvo’s tire-wetting system to provide uniform coverage and prevent material pickup. The triple filtration system minimizes the risk of failure caused by water tank contamination, further improving uptime and keeping operating costs down, Eckert said.
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