The New York City fleet’s fuel use has decreased significantly over the past four years due to use of electrified vehicles, hybrid and fuel-efficient vehicles, and vehicles consuming biofuel. The fleet operation reduced citywide fuel use by nearly one million gallons from FY20 to FY21, and four million gallons over the past four years, according to a Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) fleet newsletter.
Total fuel economy has improved even more, since NYC is operating more fleet units, especially in off-road categories. Fuel use per fleet unit, including in horticultural equipment, is down 25% since FY13.
The fuel economy of the new light-duty fleet units over 100 MPG for the fourth straight year — it was at 102 in FY21. DCAS anticipates an increased electric buying program in FY22.
NYC government operations also continue to utilize biofuels where diesel fuel is employed. Biodiesel blends from 5% to 20% are used for all diesel fleet equipment and heating oils. Fleet used slightly less than 14 million gallons of biodiesel-blended fuel in FY21, amounting to over 1.6 million gallons of B100 equivalent.
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