ADOMANI, Inc. announced Oct. 20 it has been named an approved dealership and its vehicles have been listed on the eligible vehicles list for the New York City Clean Trucks Program (NYCCTP). This program provides funding for new electric truck purchases by New York City customers to replace and scrap older polluting ICE vehicles. The rebate incentive funding program provides New York City fleet owners $100,000 per vehicle for an all-electric Class 4 truck sold to them by ADOMANI, and $110,000 for a Class 5 all-electric truck. The amounts increase for Class 6 through Class 8 trucks.
"Having one of the first purpose-built Class 4 trucks with inventory available for delivery today allows us to be very aggressive with fleet owners and operators in New York City in our discussions to reduce their operating costs and improve the air quality for all New Yorkers," stated Doug Lollar, ADOMANI's Director of EV Sales.
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