<p>The university reduced its preventable collisions in 2017 compared to the prior year.<em> Image courtesy of New Jersey City University.</em></p>

The New Jersey City University (NJCU) has reduced its preventable collisions by 54% in calendar-year 2017 compared to the prior year. The National Safety Council recognized the university’s Fleet Collision Review Committee for this achievement.

NJCU reduced its collision frequency through fleet policies that require mandatory motor vehicle record checks, defensive driver training, collision reviews, and specialized training and testing for drivers requiring improvement.

The National Safety Council calculates a collision rate using the following formula: collision rate = number of preventable collisions x 1,000,000 divided by the total number of vehicle-miles traveled by the fleet. New Jersey City University’s 2017 collision frequency rate was 29 compared to 64 in 2016, equaling a 54% reduction in preventable collisions.

New Jersey City University also received the National Safety Council’s Significant Improvement Award in Fleet Safety Performance in calendar years 2006, 2009, and 2016.