During an early trial with Revvo Technologies, the City of Lakeland experienced two major events...

During an early trial with Revvo Technologies, the City of Lakeland experienced two major events that demonstrated the value of real-time tire data.

The City of Lakeland, Florida, is expanding its deployment of smart tire technology from Revvo Technologies to provide real-time tire data for all its solid waste fleet vehicles.

During an early trial with Revvo in June 2021, Lakeland experienced two major events that demonstrated the value of Revvo’s connected tire solution. The first, within 48 hours of deploying Revvo, was an alert triggered for a tire on a solid waste truck for a puncture resulting in a leak. The second alert provided an advanced warning of a tire with predicted imminent failure, damaged while a truck was in service.

The City of Lakeland has more than 1,300 vehicles and equipment, including over 40 solid waste trucks. Tire management is reportedly handled internally with a single dedicated technician for all heavy-duty fleet vehicle tires.

“Our tire tech chases down tires every day, especially inner tires, and unfortunately, sometimes on the road,” said Gary McLean, fleet manager for the city. “Revvo will certainly help for that dreaded road call.”

Revvo is designed to give operators full visibility into the status and condition of a vehicle’s tires by making them smart and connected. According to Revvo, this allows operators and drivers to increase vehicle uptime, optimize operational efficiency, and improve overall safety.

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