The Spokane City Council is unsure of whether a pilot program to switch their police department...

The Spokane City Council is unsure of whether a pilot program to switch their police department vehicles from gas powered to electric would be worth the money. (Stock photo)

Photo: Tesla

After a lengthy debate, the Spokane, Washington, City Council has decided to purchase four Tesla Model Y SUVs, overriding a plan outlined by city officials to initially purchase two hybrid and two traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, according to The Spokesman-Review. Council President Breean Beggs pushed for the need to shift toward building the infrastructure the city will need for an electric-vehicle-heavy future. 

Other city officials agreed with the importance of pursuing greener options, but expressed worry about the Police Department being able to properly use and maintain them. The Teslas will cost an estimated $418,088, and a grant will cover $200,000 of that cost.

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