With NAFA's new computer-based testing process, scheduling exams and seating at test centers...

With NAFA's new computer-based testing process, scheduling exams and seating at test centers will not be required.

Photo by Mike Antich

NAFA Fleet Management Association has announced that the Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) and Certified Automotive Fleet Specialist (CAFS) testing processes are going online this fall. The new testing regimen is expected to improve the convenience of earning the CAFM/CAFS.

It’s the same comprehensive content requiring dedicated study time, but with easier testing requirements. Through this new computer-based testing, scheduling exams and seating at test centers will not be required. Students will be able to test on their company or personal computer at any time, when they are ready.

The member pricing will be $50 per computer-based test, with an additional sitting fee no longer necessary. This reduces the financial and time costs of taking CAFM/CAFS tests.

Computer requirements/specifications for testing:

  • Internet access
  • A computer with any modern browser
  • A working webcam with a microphone (the system will alert the test-taker if the webcam or browser doesn’t work.)
  • A private space with minimal noise (office, classroom, library, or test-taker’s home.)

To accommodate this enhancement, the remaining computer-based testing (CBT) exams through NAFA's previous provider, PSI/Comira, cannot be scheduled beyond August 10.

Monster.com released a report in 2018 showing that CAFM holders earn 27% more than those who have not received the certification.

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