Pima County, Ariz., has reduced its fleet idling from 122,000 hours in fiscal-year 2018 to 99,000 hours in fiscal-year 2019. These number reflect idling reduction across the 1,630 vehicles in its fleet.
The county tracked idling using a GPS system monitored by Fleet Services, according to a county memo. The county uses the system to monitor driver safety and report unusual activities such as speeding, rapid braking, or other dangerous driving. However, it can also be used to monitor idle time and encourage drivers to reduce idle time.
The three departments that reduced idling by the most are: Flood Control (81%), Public Works Administration (62%), and Clerk of the Board (55%). Several departments increased idle time in comparison to the previous year, by as much as 188%.
The county’s goal is to stay within its EPA ozone standards, and idling is one of the ways it can do that, according to KOLD. To reach its goal, staff members from Environmental Quality talk to drivers who idle a lot and ask them if they really need to idle.
The county fleet is made up of 661 light-duty trucks/vans/SUVs, 410 patrols, 230 sedans, 124 hybrid vehicles, 113 heavy- and medium-duty trucks, 70 pieces of off-road equipment, and 22 electric vehicles.
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