Photo courtesy of Ford

Photo courtesy of Ford

Following the U.S. Department of Energy’s Sustainable Transportation Summit, the White House has announced efforts to accelerate electric vehicle (EV) adoption across the United States. The Office of Federal Sustainability has invited state and local governments to join together with the federal government and maximize their collective buying power to procure EVs at lower costs and aggregate their charging station infrastructure purchases. 

Leading the charge, the federal government plans to purchase more than 500 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or EVs in the fiscal-year 2017.The Department of Energy and Department of Transportation have also published a guide that lists funding programs, financing incentives, and technical assistance in support of EVs and charging stations. It also lists current tax credits and incentives applicable to EV charging.

A number of companies have agreed to participate in the program. Chargepoint has committed $20 million toward the deployment of a national network of high-speed charging stations. A number of utilities have also committed help drive EV adoption.