The new automated truck will allow the driver to remain in the vehicle when emptying bins in the...

The new automated truck will allow the driver to remain in the vehicle when emptying bins in the truck.

City of Brownwood, Texas

The Brownwood, Texas, City Council unanimously approved the purchase of an automated refuse truck during a November 29 meeting. An automated refuse truck allows for its driver to remain in the truck, and the automated arm attached to the vehicle does all the work of dumping the bins in the truck. According to the meeting notes, the sanitation department budgeted $315,920 for the automated refuse truck. But before they could purchase it, the price rose to $50,186. The city council understood the importance of the truck and approved its new purchase price of $366,106. 

In a Brownwood News story, city Manager Emily Crawford said, “Like everyone’s vehicles prices continue to go up and we have seen that as well in the public sector.” 

As a result of the price raise, the future quarterly payments will increase by approximately $2,980.81, making the final price of payments $19,825.25. 

The Sanitation Department will purchase the truck through Chastang Enterprises, Inc. of Houston through a BuyBoard contract. 

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