The survey aimed to gauge how fleets were choosing to pursue their reporting strategies.

The survey aimed to gauge how fleets were choosing to pursue their reporting strategies.

Photo: Utilimarc

Utilimarc recently released the results of a survey on greenhouse gas reporting. The survey was created to understand how North American fleets were tracking and reporting on their progress towards goals set on emissions reduction – of which the commercial fleet industry makes up an estimated 35% of GHG emissions worldwide. This survey went out to over 13,000 participants and aimed to investigate the motive and urgency in reporting on GHGs and sustainability initiatives, as well as gauge how fleets were choosing to pursue their reporting strategies.

Some key metrics of the survey assessed the driving forces for organizations currently reporting emissions, along with the frequency of reports and which systems they are using to do so. For organizations not yet reporting on GHGs, Utilimarc's survey gauged the likelihood of beginning to report in the future.

One of the key findings of the survey discovered that while 43% of participants are already reporting on gas emissions today, another 20% are planning to in the future, and roughly 35% have no imminent plans to begin. Additionally, for organizations already reporting, roughly 90% of respondents pointed to internal sustainability initiatives as the driving force. This shows a clear need for this type of reporting that is being fueled by the universal push to make organizations greener at every level.

In addition to the why and how, Utilimarc's survey looked to investigate the outcome of fleets tracking and reporting their greenhouse gas emissions. Follow up questions surrounding GHG emissions from charging electric vehicles and concrete plans for reducing GHGs paint a fuller picture for how greenhouse gas reporting will play a part in fleets' sustainability strategies.

Full survey and all results

Originally posted on Work Truck Online

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