The second annual AltCar Expo and Conference Sacramento takes place Wednesday, April 19, at the Sacramento State Capitol building. The event is a partnership between the California Department of General Services, California Government Operations Agency, Clean Cities Sacramento, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, and Municipal Equipment Maintenance Associaion (MEMA) NorCal chapter.

Fleet managers, sustainability directors, business owners, legislators, and other members of the industry are invited to learn more about corporate sustainability, workplace charging, fleet greening, and alternative fleet vehicle contracts for the state of California.

The schedule is as follows:

  • 9 a.m.: Networking breakfast, sponsored by Honda
  • 9:30 a.m.: Welcome by mayor of Sacramento Darrell Steinberg
  • 9:35 a.m.: Corporate Sustainability, Workplace Charging & Employee Incentives
  • 10:30 a.m.: Greening Your Fleet
  • 1 p.m.: State of California Fleet Vehicle Contracts — Alternative Fuel Vehicles

The event also includes an Expo and Ride & Drive, featuring vehicles from Toyota, EVgo, SmartCar, Kia, and Mercedes-Benz, as well as the new Honda Clarity EV.