The program includes a $10 million commitment to fund light-, medium-, and heavy-duty battery...

The program includes a $10 million commitment to fund light-, medium-, and heavy-duty battery electric vehicles.

The City of Boston's Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program now includes a $10 million commitment to fund light-, medium-, and heavy-duty electric vehicle purchases for private, commercial, and public fleet vehicles.

Medium- and heavy-duty truck purchases made on or after Feb. 16 will now be eligible to receive rebates through MOR-EV. Rebate values will vary by vehicle weight rating, ranging from $7,500 for pickup trucks up to $90,000 for tractor trailer trucks. Rebate values will decline over time, recognizing the anticipated cost declines of the emerging battery-electric and fuel-cell electric truck sector. Rebates will be available for all truck purchases, including public fleet vehicles.

In addition, on Jan 29, MassEVolves, a statewide initiative conducted by Recharge America in partnership with several state offices and departments, launched a new program opportunity: The Electric Vehicle Purchase Challenge. The voluntary challenge initiative spotlights new electric vehicle purchases for fleets made by participating entities and supports broader statewide and government operations-specific emissions reduction targets and advances progress toward the adoption of electric vehicles in state fleets. The challenge calls upon companies, higher education institutions, and state agencies with fleet vehicles to acquire at least one EV over the next year in order to increase on-the-ground experience with EVs and to increase comfort levels to further electrify fleet assets.

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