Savannah rolled out 21  new electric vehicles for city employees this week, including Nissan Leafs.

Savannah rolled out 21  new electric vehicles for city employees this week, including Nissan Leafs.

Photo: Nissan

The City of Savannah, Georgia, rolled out a new fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) this week.

City officials unveiled 21 electric vehicles and 91 hybrid vehicles that will be used by city employees. Savannah-based WSAV reported the city council plans to switch to 100% clean electricity by 2035, and clean energy citywide by 2050. The city anticipates the EV purchase will reduce light-duty fleet fuel consumption by an estimated 20% and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 23%. City officials said it will also save the city a few million dollars.

The city first began exploring the idea in 2018, partnering with Georgia Power. The city received its first two Nissan Leaf EVs in 2019.

There are 24 charging stations available across Savannah, which the public can also use. Six new charging stations will be added to two parking garages soon.

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