

Photo courtesy of NYC DCAS

Keith Kerman, New York City’s chief fleet officer and deputy commissioner of the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, has been awarded the Sloan Public Service Award, the highest honor bestowed to leaders in NYC government.

Kerman, the city’s first ever chief fleet officer, has worked under three mayors and is responsible for managing the entire vehicle fleet for the city, including emergency vehicles for the Fire Department and Police Department. He has pioneered sustainability in the city’s fleet, including building the largest network of electric fleet vehicles and most recently beginning to use renewable diesel, a 99% petroleum-free alternative to traditional diesel fuel.

KEITH KERMAN from FCNY on Vimeo.

He has also created the nation's largest governmental "fleet sharing program" and consolidated repair services, which has reduced out-of-service time for vehicles.

In Kerman’s first five years, the work that fleet management did involving shared services, increased revenue, fuel savings, and facilities repurposing saved the city more than $400 million dollars; today Kerman’s team is leading an effort to save even more by reducing the fleet size, finding ways to save on maintenance and fuel costs, downsizing, and cutting back on commuting vehicles. At the same time, investments in fleet personnel and in vehicles used for emergency services has gone up.

Kerman was recognized on May 23 alongside other award recipients.

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