The Fenwick Island Police Department added decals to its newer vehicles after receiving feedback...

The Fenwick Island Police Department added decals to its newer vehicles after receiving feedback from residents.

Photo: Fenwick Island Police Dept.

The majority of Fenwick Island's (Delaware) police patrol vehicles are marked after Police Chief John Devlin made the decision to add decals to the newer vehicles in his fleet. He explained that five of the department's seven vehicles are now marked after residents said they didn't see the police presence in the town.

The police vehicles have markings on all sides, so residents can identify them.

The police vehicles have markings on all sides, so residents can identify them.

Photo: Fenwick Island Police Dept.

Devlin said the newer vehicles in the fleet were more low profile than residents were used to, so they wanted clear markings on the vehicles showing that they are police vehicles. Three vehicles have new decals on them. Two older vehicles were already marked with the old decals; those will not be changed. Devlin explained once those age out, their replacements will have the new decals. The department gets one new vehicle approximately every year.

Two vehicles will remain unmarked.

The Fenwick Island Police Department has six Ford Explorers and one Dodge Durango.

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