The pilothouse and deck layouts have been re-engineered to honor the increasing demands on, and...

The pilothouse and deck layouts have been re-engineered to honor the increasing demands on, and more complex operational requirements of, today’s maritime first responders.

Photo: US Watercraft

US Watercraft, the licensed builder of SeaArk Marine commercial vessels, revealed a design update at December’s International WorkBoat Show in New Orleans. The update is from Ray Hunt Design, the naval architecture firm that originated the popular Dauntless and Commander high-performance deep-V models.

The pilothouse and deck layouts have been re-engineered to honor the increasing demands on, and more complex operational requirements of, today’s maritime first responders. The design provides a pilothouse with near-360-degree visibility. Oversize windows run the length of the cabin and across the cabintop for overhead visibility. The pilothouse structure also maximizes interior space and provides a larger dashboard to accommodate the full complement of electronics and screens that make up advanced navigation and communications systems.

The Dauntless and Commander models feature the deep-V hull form that is the signature of Ray Hunt Design. Hunt’s hull design has a variable deadrise and features careful sizing and placement of chine and lift strips. The result is a vessel that planes more quickly and at lower speeds with a ride that’s stable, dry, and predictable in challenging conditions, accrording to the company.

“The SeaArk Marine vessels are optimized for law enforcement, firefighters, and anyone who must go out and perform their job with confidence regardless of the sea state or weather conditions,” says Randy Borges, general manager of US Watercraft.

 The new design is available on all SeaArk Marine models for 2022.

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