City of Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolón presented 15 vehicles to the City of Ponce Police...

City of Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolón presented 15 vehicles to the City of Ponce Police Department in Puerto Rico on Nov. 19.

The Orlando, Florida, Police Department has donated 15 patrol vehicles to the City of Ponce Police Department in Puerto Rico to help support recovery efforts on the island, according to a social media post. The cars were repaired and repainted for police use; the make and model were not disclosed.

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Orlando will join Chief Orlando Rolón Nov. 19 to present them to the Ponce Police, City of Ponce officials, Puerto Rico legislative members, and special guests.

According to a report by WFTV9, back in 2017, then Deputy-Chief Rolón was among 12 officers sent to Puerto Rico to help local law enforcement during the recovery from Hurricane Maria. Orlando officials pledged then to continue to support the island in its recovery efforts.

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