<p><em><strong>More respondents siad their fleet size increased than those who said it decreased.</strong></em></p>
This section examines median fleet sizes and changes in fleet size, and explores why these changes were made. Survey results show that county fleets, unsurprisingly, have more vehicles than cities, corresponding with the larger budgets reported in the previous section.

More respondents said their fleet size increased than those who said it decreased (36% increase, 14% decrease). The main reasons listed for increased fleet size were expanded responsibilities and increased jurisdictions. Many of those who reported fleet increases said this was due to additional responsibilities, whether due to a growing city or larger area to oversee, or to new functions and programs.

Similar to last year, utilization studies have helped reduce fleet size for some. However, insufficient budget agency-wide led to reductions for others, either through lack of a replacement budget or layoffs or departmental changes that resulted in decreased vehicle need.


Charts: 2014 Vehicle and Equipment Inventory

Charts: 2014 Vehicle Inventory by State or Agency

2014 Public Fleet Overview

2014 Fleet Salaries and Retirement Plans