More than 50 technicians gathered for training at the City of Columbus, Ohio.

More than 50 technicians gathered for training at the City of Columbus, Ohio.

Photo courtesy of MEMA Ohio

The Ohio Chapter of the Municipal Equipment Maintenance Association (MEMA) and the City of Columbus hosted a two-day training program for technicians at the city’s fleet facility. The training was available to all MEMA members and included five different groups and more than 50 technicians, said Kelly Reagan, fleet administrator for the City of Columbus and MEMA Ohio chairman.

Technicians received daily hands-on ISL9 G compressed natural gas (CNG) engine-specific training. It included maintenance, safety working around CNG equipment, CNG fuel system flows and components, and fuel system diagnostics using Insite/QSOL.

Technicians received training on the Cummins ISL9 G natural gas engine.

Technicians received training on the Cummins ISL9 G natural gas engine.

Photo courtesy of MEMA Ohio

“The training has been needed a great deal with the onslaught of CNG vehicles in the region,” Reagan said.

John King, assistant fleet administrator for the city and the group’s treasurer, coordinated the training. Gary Guinter, training operations excellence manager, was the Cummins coordinator. MEMA members received training at no cost.

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