The government of Orange County, Florida, has released its sustainable operations & resilience...

The government of Orange County, Florida, has released its sustainable operations & resilience action plan containing an entire section on mobility and fleet.

Photo: Orange County Government, Florida

The government of Orange County, Florida, has laid out its plans for maintaining a more environmentally friendly fleet in its Sustainable Operations & Resilience Action Plan, which includes reducing petroleum fuel use and converting the light-duty fleet to electric or alternative fuels.

The overview, which can be found in full starting on page 46 of the document, sets forth two fleet-focused goals:

Goal 10: Optimize vehicle fleet performance through onboard technology and a 50% reduction of petroleum-based fuel by 2030. The plan to accomplish this includes deploying Derive vehicle optimization technology to provide information that will help contribute to more conservative driving; conducting a fuel and fleet optimization analysis; identifying compressed natural gas/biodiesel/propane fuel transition and fueling infrastructure projects; and reducing employee single-occupant commutes and optimizing work-related travel.

Goal 11: Deploy electric-vehicle-ready infrastructure and convert 100% of the light-duty county fleet to electric or alternative fuel by 2030, with a sub-goal of deploying electric vehicle charging infrastructure at 25 county facilities by 2025. Steps include developing templates for purchase orders and leased equipment; ensuring all county building and parking lot electrical design capital improvement plan (CIP) projects comply with building code guidelines; identifying existing needs and CIP improvements to install Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations at 14 existing fueling stations; and committing 100% of new light-duty 4-cylinder sedans and SUVs to be electric vehicle or hybrid on purchases in the FY21 budget and beyond.

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