The new utility truck is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60 tons of...

The new utility truck is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60 tons of carbon dioxide per year as compared to a conventional utility truck of its size.

Photo courtesy of Phoenix Motorcars

The City of Colton, Calif., is set to receive its first battery-electric utility truck from Phoenix Motorcars, following a record-breaking 87 days of bad air quality during summer 2018. The truck will be used to service irrigation around the city.

San Bernardino County, where the City of Colton is located, is ranked amongst the top counties with bad air quality due to the recent rise in warehouses in the region that require constant freight movement. More than 75% of the goods imported to Southern California ports are transported by rail or road to distribution facilities throughout the county.

The new utility truck is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60 tons of carbon dioxide per year as compared to a conventional utility truck of its size. It also comes with cost savings.

The truck is expected to be delivered this month.