State Fleet Group Conducts Benchmarking Survey
State Fleet Group Conducts Benchmarking Survey

The National Conference of State Fleet Administrators (NCSFA) announced a new partnership with Mercury Associates to conduct a comprehensive benchmarking survey of state and public university fleets. The survey will focus on fleet management performance and identify common standards of measurement that are relevant to government fleets. 

Bob Williams, NCSFA president and fleet manager for the State of Tennessee said, “One of the key benefits of NCSFA is the community we have within our membership. In that community, there are many great projects and variations of past practices that are being undertaken to improve fleet performance. Conducting a detailed survey of our membership and their programs helps identify those bright spots and enables us to learn from one another, giving our membership a strong resource to justify change within their organizations.

The goals of the benchmarking survey are to:

  • Formalize and publish standards of measurement that are relevant to government fleets
  • Inform and educate members with metrics that they can use to improve their fleet programs
  • Establish a reference document that will give NCSFA membership the necessary information to leverage with their leadership to modify programs

Steve Saltzgiver, project manager with Mercury Associates said, “With the increasing demand on fleet management organizations to reduce costs, benchmarking for continuous improvement is essential. NCSFA’s partnership with Mercury Associates to conduct a fleet benchmarking study is a valuable first step in improving critical business practices, eliminating system waste, and lowering the total cost of ownership for its member’s assets.”

The survey is open for responses from June 21, 2018 to July 31, 2018 and available for all state and public university fleet managers regardless of membership status. Non-members who are eligible for membership and participate in the survey will receive $100 off an annual NCSFA membership and upon membership will receive the survey and free registration to the 2018 NCSFA State Fleet Managers Workshop in New Orleans September 24-26. All current NCSFA members will receive a copy of the final report as a member benefit. 

The 2018 NCSFA State Fleet Managers Workshop will open with a presentation from Mercury Associates on the key findings from the survey.

Related: State Fleet Association Elects Officers at Annual Event

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