Smart Vehicle Diagnostics' Motorscan diagnostic tool is the first compact on-board diagnostic (OBD) tool for motorcycles, allowing users to monitor the health of their bike on demand. The technology is new to motorcycles as many OEMs use different OBD connectors. The Motorscan is currently designed to fit Harley-Davidson motorcycles.
The Motorscan Bluetooth adapter plugs into the motorcycle's diagnostic port and can remain attached indefinitely. Using the Motorscan app, the user can read trouble codes and conditions with detailed descriptions, clear the Check Engine light, access various bike systems (from the electronic control unit to the dashboard), view live data parameters, look up the VIN number, and view virtual gauges. Users can save diagnostic reports and email them to a mechanic or technician at the push of a button.
Motorscan does not interfere with system performance and can be used on multiple motorcycle.
There are two types of adapters available. The MSDKHD4 4-pin adapter is compatible with older models with Delphi engine control units and 4-pin J1850 OBD connectors. The MSDKHD6 6-pin adapter works with most of the newer CAN-Bus Harley-Davidson bikes with 6-pin OBD connectors. The tool covers most Harley-Davidson models from 2001 and later.