The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Bureau of Vehicle Management (BVM) will look to reduce costs and streamline the operations of the state-owned vehicle fleets through the deployment of CalAmp's FleetOutlook.

The Commonwealth's BVM oversees approximately 11,000 passenger, emergency, and off-road vehicles and is responsible for ensuring the most efficient use of taxpayer resources, CalAmp announced in a release. FleetOutlook will be deployed on nearly half of BVM's vehicles across the state in an effort to gain better insights into vehicle utilization and operational status in order to increase efficiency, proactively address maintenance issues, and protect against vehicle theft.

Driver assistance and real-time accident alerts are FleetOutlook capabilities that BVM will be leveraging to further encourage good driving behavior and improve worker safety, according to a release.

"Understanding fleet utilization by gaining actionable intelligence is a valuable first step for government fleet operators to make more informed decisions about their vehicles and identify opportunities for efficiency gains," said Paul Washicko, senior vice president and general manager of CalAmp's Software and Subscription Services business.

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet