Photo via Flickr/Idaho National Laboratory

Photo via Flickr/Idaho National Laboratory

The City of Hollywood, Fla., completed a project to run all of its flex-fuel-capable vehicles on E-85 biofuel. The city has installed two new dispensers for the fuel.

Gasoline is delivered to the coastal city by cargo ship, which can be delayed during severe weather or hurricanes. By incorporating the E-85 ethanol blend, transported by rail, the city hopes to ensure all vehicles will have fuel ready when needed.

"Ensuring our fleet, including police, will be fueled and operational in times of a weather-related emergency is a public safety measure of paramount importance,” said Mayor Josh Levy. 

In a statement, City Manager Wazir Ishmael said he anticipates a 43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as a result of adopting E-85.

The city worked with fuel distributor Protec to assess the fleet and fuel usage, evaluate existing fueling infrastructure, and install the fuel dispensers to replace outdated equipment, according to a release from Protec.