Chatham County (Ga.) commissioners voted unanimously to place GPS locators in every vehicle of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department's fleet.

The Police Policy Committee, which includes representatives from both Chatham County and the city of Savannah, agreed to the terms. The county's 147 fleet vehicles will be outfitted with the locators this fall, followed by 462 city-owned police vehicles. Both groups will contribute about half a million dollars for the GPS technology and subscription for the service from MotionLink, WTVM reported.

The Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department has patrolled both Savannah and unincorporated Chatham County since 2005, when the county and city began to merge their police forces. In 2014, both parties began to reexamine the terms of their merger, finally agreeing on a new contract in February this year. According to WTVM, these new vehicle locators will help give the agency a better idea of how often officers cross jurisdiction lines.