The Municipal Equipment Maintenance Association (MEMA) held a vehicle diagnostics mock shop during the ride-and-drive at the Fleet Technology Expo (FTX) in Long Beach, Calif., on Aug. 25. The mock shop highlighted technologies available to diagnose and troubleshoot vehicle engine and emissions malfunctions.
“As vehicles and equipment have exponentially increased in complexity, the skills and equipment required to maintain these vehicles have likewise elevated,” said Dan Berlenbach, fleet services bureau manager, City of Long Beach. Berlenbach helped organize the event and is vice president of MEMA. “This was an ideal opportunity to demonstrate this advanced technology and the skilled staff who use it,” he added.
Government fleet technicians demoed vendor-provided software and equipment on vehicles supplied by public agencies. Vendor sales staff members were also available to answer attendee questions.
"We had many interested visitors to the Mock Shop, checking out not only the latest diagnostic software and hardware, but also the alternative-fuel government vehicles on display," said Paul Condran, MEMA president and fleet services manager for the City of Culver City. "The city and county technicians demonstrating the software lent an authenticity to the program and generated a curiosity among the many attendees."
The mock shop featured four stations: A City of Long Beach, Calif., technician demoed Ford’s IDS and VCM II integrated diagnostic system on a Ford C-MAX Energi; a Los Angeles County Public Works technician demoed Snap-on Modis ultra integrated diagnostic system on a Ford F-250; a City of Beverly Hills technician demoed NEXIQ diagnostic software on a Lenco Bearcat police vehicle; and a City of Culver City technician demoed Cummins Insite software on an Autocar sanitation vehicle.
For more photos of the ride-and-drive event, view a photo gallery.
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