More than a third of Cleveland's snow plow fleet was unable to respond earlier this month, causing the demotion of the city's Streets commissioner after frustrated residents complained to city hall.
The city maintains a fleet of 63 trucks equipped with snow plows. Of those, 22 of those were out of order on Feb. 3. Other equipment including pickup trucks with plows, graders, and end loaders were deployed to residential calls rather than concentrating on the city's thoroughfares, reports
Major storms hit the area on Feb. 1 and Feb. 4, leaving main arteries and residential streets buried in snow.
As a result, Mayor Frank Jackson demoted Streets Commissioner Rob Mavec. Councilmembers sharply criticized city administration with Councilwoman Dona Brady accusing administrators of lying to her about the plan for plowing residential streets.
Earlier this year, the City Council approved a $100 million bond offering that includes $20 million to upgrade city fleet vehicles including snow plows.
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