Photo courtesy of NHTSA.

Photo courtesy of NHTSA.

States across the country are lending their support to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's first  national advertising campaign focused on enforcement of distracted driving laws: U Drive. U Text. U Pay.

The campaign runs April 10-15. The full month of April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

Only Connecticut qualified for federal distracted driving funds in 2014 (see funding chart) through the MAP-21 law (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century). But many states are using other resources to draw attention to the dangers of distracted driving.

"States recognize that distracted driving is a serious challenge on our roadways,” noted Jonathan Adkins, executive director of the Governors Highway Safety Association. “Now that nearly every state bans texting while driving, the focus is on enforcing those laws and reminding the public of the need to focus solely on driving while behind the wheel."

Below are just a few of the state activities organized in support of the national campaign:

  • California -- The California Office of Traffic Safety is coordinating high-visibility enforcement operations by the California Highway Patrol and more than 250 law enforcement agencies across the state. Press conferences will emphasize the startling statistics surrounding cell phone use while driving. Message boards highlighting these statistics will be set up in movie theaters and shopping malls, and TV commercials will warn drivers against becoming a distracted driving "zombie."  
  • Florida -- The Florida highway safety office is reminding drivers to "Put it Down" through its statewide campaign. A total of 226 law enforcement agencies are participating in enforcement of the state's recently passed texting ban. Educational efforts include website banners, social media and a proclamation from the governor. Digital message boards will remind drivers not to text, and social media will spread awareness. The Orlando Sentinel is teaming with Ford Driving Skills for Life on a booklet for high school seniors that highlights the dangers of texting while driving.  
  • Georgia -- The Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) is using the U Drive. U Text. U Pay message online and through social media to spread the word about the dangers of texting and driving. In addition, GOHS's paid media will target adults in the 18-34 age range, focusing on women. A statewide media campaign will kick off Distracted Driving Awareness Month in advance of the enforcement period. Also, GOHS staff members have signed a pledge to not text and drive.  
  • Minnesota -- The Minnesota Department of Public Safety/Office of Traffic Safety has stepped up enforcement running April 11-20. Media efforts include press conferences, news release templates for law enforcement, and high school PA announcements. The highway safety office will be live-tweeting on April 11 and linking to its teen "body bag" YouTube video on Facebook. The office is also reaching out to diverse communities through African American, Hmong and Latino publications.  
  • New York -- In addition to unveiling new campaign artwork on billboards, the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) is asking its more than 500 state, local and county police agencies to use grant funding to step up enforcement April 10-15. Locals are being asked to work with their media outlets to arrange for press events during that timeframe. GTSC is using its website and social media to alert the public about increased enforcement and using "bonus time" in its cable TV grant to air distracted driving messaging on TV and in social media formats. The NYS Thruway and DOT will support the campaign by posting messages on their message boards.   
  • Rhode Island -- The Rhode Island Department of Transportation Office on Highway Safety is using social media to remind teens that distracted driving can have deadly results. Specifically, the office is developing a series of YouTube videos featuring local teens, and will run TV and radio spots prior to the enforcement campaign. This will involve 15 municipal police departments and the Rhode Island State Police (RISP). The highway safety office also is working in partnership with AT&T, the Rhode Island attorney general and RISP on AT&T's It Can Wait campaign. This year, the campaign has visited more than 12 high schools, earning considerable local and statewide press coverage.

To view a list of state distracted driving laws, click here.  

To visit the U.S. DOT's distracted driving website, click here.  

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet