Recruiting and succession planning are a necessary and essential part of good fleet management. At the annual Government Fleet Expo & Conference (GFX), two experienced fleet managers will lead educational sessions addressing these topics. Both sessions are interactive roundtable sessions:
- During the Roundtable: Succession Planning for Staff Retention & Development, City of Glendale (Arizona) Fleet Management Superintendent Craig Croner will discuss the importance of strategic succession planning. Attendees will learn how to create a roadmap for employees looking to move up the career ladder, including into management.
- The Roundtable: How to Recruit, Train & Retain the Next Generation of Technicians will focus on technician recruiting and retention. As DeKalb County (Georgia) Fleet Management Director Robert Gordon discusses, technician recruiting and retention is one of the biggest problems in the industry, because public-sector fleet managers are often unable to provide higher pay. Gordon will share his experience recruiting technicians, developing a recruiting team and an apprenticeship program, and training and retaining technicians.
A 30-minute open discussion will follow each session.
GFX takes place May 23-26 in Detroit. It features more than 20 valuable educational sessions, an exciting expo floor with new vehicles and technology, an interactive ride-and-drive, a festive Honors Celebration for awards winners, an optional tour of the Ford Rouge Factory, and more. Register by April 29 for $100 off!
Attendees can register on the GFX website.
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