As part of the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) Retread Tire Services Contract (DRR19084), DK Enterprises and the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau (TRIB) have partnered to produce a video that promotes the positive economic and environmental benefits of retreading. 

The video, “Retreads Work," explores the technologically advanced process for tire retreading. It shares the surprising places you can find retreads in operation and provides facts and figures regarding the cost savings to fleets, as well as demonstrates the positive environmental impact retreading has on sustainability and the circular economy. TRIB’s Managing Director David Stevens is featured throughout the video explaining the key components of retreading and why retreading is the right choice for fleets. 

“DK Enterprises has been working as a contractor and subcontractor to CalRecycle since 2007 in new and existing tire-derived product and market development,” said DK Enterprises President Denise Kennedy. “This video not only demonstrates the cost benefits of retreading, but also demonstrates how retreading delivers on the promise of sustainable manufacturing and is an important contributor to the circular economy of tires."

Originally posted on Work Truck Online

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