The council’s recommendations include adopting a low carbon fuel standard and increasing...

The council’s recommendations include adopting a low carbon fuel standard and increasing biofuels use in the state fleet.

The Minn. Governor's Council on Biofuels has released a report on the steps needed to grow Minnesota’s biofuels industry and meet renewable energy goals, according to the Redwood Falls Gazette.

The council’s recommendations include accelerating the state’s move toward 15% ethanol content in gasoline, adopting a low carbon fuel standard, increasing biofuels use in the state fleet, increasing public understanding and marketing of biofuels, and developing advanced biofuels.

The 15-member council worked over the past nine months to find ways to help farmers, rural communities, the natural environment, and economically disadvantaged populations do their part to reduce greenhouse gas production. 

The full report can be found here

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