DES MOINES, IA - By changing its vehicle turn-in policy, extending replacement cycles, and switching to online auctions, the State of Iowa fleet expects to save between $6-7 million, according to the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS).das logo

The DAS' General Service Enterprise oversees of the State fleet. In 2010, DAS-Fleet determined that any vehicle with less than 14,000 miles per year should be returned to the general pool, resulting in 121 vehicle returns. In addition, Fleet extended vehicle lifecycles from 80,000 to 120,000 miles, or a minimum of 10 years.

Fleet was able to lower expenses associated with quarterly vehicle auctions at the DAS fleet facility by switching to online auctions at GovDeals. Higher mileage vehicles result in lowered prices, but "early indications are that online auctions yield as much as those conducted live," according to the DAS. It reported the most recent online "event" sold 48 vehicles and brought in $179,000.

DAS-Fleet has also run limited trials of GPS technology in vehicles, primarily with those in the general motor pool. According to the DAS, GPS technology in vehicles is "another way to ensure that state employees follow established vehicle use procedures."