MARTINEZ, CA - Contra Costa County in California has signed a contract for AssetWorks fully integrated fleet management software, FleetFocus, and automated fuel management solution, FuelFocus, according to a release issued by AssetWorks.

Contra Costa County maintains 1,450 vehicles to serve its population of over one million residents. AssetWorks integrated solution can help the County capture mileage and approve accountability, increase repairs under warranty, implement and track labor standards, and migrate to a fully integrated browser-based solution, according to the company.

"As an Internal Service Fund (ISF) we bill on mileage. With AssetWorks we will be able to capture meter readings in real-time using FuelFocus' Radio Frequency (RF) technology and not a week later as with the present system. Our customers will be able to log into the system and review all charges in addition to having the ability to check status of their equipment. We will gain the ability to notify customers of services due and of complication through e-mail," said Rick Ranger, fleet manager, when asked why the county selected the AssetWorks solution. He continued, "Our shop personnel will be able to use laptops at their work stations through Wi-Fi. We plan on installing standards so the tech is aware of the standard time allowed for each service and/or repair."

AssetWorks integrated fleet management software and automated fuel system captures and tracks all functions related to the maintenance of vehicle equipment, including repair and preventive maintenance (PM) work orders; fuel usage and real-time meter updates; and billing for vehicle and equipment usage. All the information is stored on a single database which centralizes all fleet information and can make it easier to access.

The county selected AssetWorks to replace their current, outdated fleet software after a competitive RFP process. Contra Costa County is also considering implementing the AssetWorks Motor Pool Management Solution.