SALT LAKE CITY – A federal law was recently passed that discourages school busses from idling for extended periods. Currently a similar campaign was launched to educate parents about the health risks of idling. Now, Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon says it’s time the county formally adopt an anti-idling policy, according to KCPW News.

“We’ve already started an anti-idling campaign outside of the government. But we want to practice what we preach and start looking at our own idling policies for our fleets and our equipment,” Corroon says.

The county has 1,337 vehicles in its fleet. This includes Sheriff’s Office patrol cars, assessor vehicles, and heavy machinery like garbage trucks backhoes, and snowplows. The policy requires county workers to shut off vehicles if they are idling longer than one minute. Heavy equipment would get a two-minute idling window. Public safety vehicles are exempt from the rule.