DECATUR, AL – A multimillion-dollar bond issue slated for approval in the fall could compensate for a garbage-truck mistake that cost Decatur taxpayers $200,000 or more, according to The Decatur Daily newspaper. In 2003, the city bought six garbage trucks that were too large to maneuver in some alleys with the idea of moving refuse collection to city streets. The move from alley to street pickup fell through, leaving the city with six trucks that couldn’t complete some routes.

Mayor Don Kyle said most residents preferred alley pickup for garbage and yard clippings, and the city sought to trade the larger vehicles for smaller ones that could complete all alley routes. The city received good value in trading the trucks, which he estimated had depreciated 50 percent, according to The Decatur Daily. The city received a trade-in of $65,000 per truck, and has already replaced three larger trucks with smaller ones. Parham said the city would take delivery of three additional trucks in September. The City Council approved $650,000 for the truck purchases with language that allows the money to be reimbursed from a bond issue.