SIOUX FALLS, SD – Minnehaha County suggests fleet policy changes as a result of high gas prices and a taxation glitch, according to the Argus Leader newspaper. County commissioners have requested policy changes that would save money and clarify rules for using fleet vehicles. One such change would limit the use of county vehicles for personal use, according to the report. Police officers could no longer drive a county vehicle outside the county for personal use, except when driving to and from work. Other employees would be prohibited from using county vehicles for personal use outside of business hours. The county auditor also asked that lists be provided of county vehicles authorized for home use and the employees who drive them. Language on taxable fringe benefits might also be changed because when workers use county vehicles under Internal Revenue Service guidelines, the county must issue them miscellaneous income. Employees had not been charged the right amount due to internal confusion. Other proposed changes include a smoking ban in county vehicles, as well as stricter seatbelt and cell phone usage.