DECATUR, IL – According to the Decatur Daily, Decatur City Council passed a policy on take-home vehicles for city employees that could force some to park their city cars at night. The policy becomes effective June 6. Most city employees allowed to take home a city vehicle at night must live inside the city limits or the three-mile police jurisdiction. Employees of the police department now allowed to take home a police car must live within five miles of the city limits in a county in which they have full arrest powers. City officials don't have a total of how many employees are allowed to take vehicles home, but they agree that most of them are police officers who become eligible for the take-home provision after two years. Council President Billy Jackson said he supports a take-home policy for employees, especially police. He sees the cars as deterrents to crime, and he would like officers to use them to run errands. The police chief is worried that it will shorten the life span of the fleet when there may be no capital replacement plan for the next two years.