Photo of U.S. Route 23 in Michigan by Doug Kerr of Albany, N.Y., via Wikimedia Commons.

Photo of U.S. Route 23 in Michigan by Doug Kerr of Albany, N.Y., via Wikimedia Commons.

Here are six simple tips, provided by the Arkansas Department of Motor Vehicles, on how drivers can maximize their field of vision. These are safety habits worth establishing to ensure good visibility behind the wheel.

  • Keep the windshield clean. Bright sun or headlights on a dirty windshield make it difficult to see. Carry liquid cleaner and a paper or cloth towel to clean your windshield when necessary.
  • Keep your window washer bottle full. Use antifreeze wash when the temperature may fall below freezing.
  • The inside surface of the window should not be overlooked. Keep the inside window surfaces clean, especially if anyone has been smoking in the vehicle. Smoking causes a film to build up on the interior glass.
  • Never try to drive with snow, ice or frost on the exterior windows. Clear the front, side and back windows before you drive.
  • Don’t hang items from your mirror or clutter up the view through the windshield with decals. These items could block a portion of your view.
  • Keep the headlights, backup lights, brake lights and taillights clean. Dirt on the lenses can cut the effectiveness of the lights by as much as 50%.

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet