TEAGUE, TX - In a 3-2 vote, the newly elected Teague city council voted to amend the city policy which doesn't allow police officers who live 15 miles or more to keep their assigned city vehicles at all times, according to the Teague Chronicle.

The amendment change was made to accommodate Reserve Officer James Monks, admittedly not a city employee, to continue to keep his city vehicle at his home, reported the Chronicle. Monks has had a personally assigned city vehicle since 2003.

According to the Chronicle, the discussion became heated when the topic of amending city vehicle use came up. The Council was split on allowing city employees to each have a personally assigned city vehicle to keep with them at all times. Employees are restricted from using the vehicle for other than city business.

Monks spoke to the council about the benefits of police officers having their vehicles at their homes. Chief Cox recommended the officers each have personal city vehicles.

Council members against the change argued the City doesn't need police cars sitting idle in officers' yards and that sharing the vehicles would help cut back an already bulging budget, reported the Chronicle.