COLUMBUS, OHIO - Five police vehicles were given away to five Ohio law enforcement agencies at the Enforcement Expo in Columbus on September 15. The eighth vehicle giveaway was sponsored by the Ohio Department of Public Safety's (ODPS) Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO). Twenty law enforcement agencies from around the state were in attendance, according to a release from the OTSO.

The winning police departments will have a police vehicle delivered to them to be customized for their departments' use. This year's winners are City of Marion Police Department, City of Sandusky Police Department, Miami Township Police Department in Montgomery County, Erie County Sheriff's Office, and City of Middletown Police Department.

Funds for the cruisers and safety equipment come from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Ohio receives these federal funds specifically for traffic safety related efforts including high visibility enforcement and public awareness campaigns. Local law enforcement and safety partners receive grants through OTSO, which coordinates the campaigns and safety efforts on a statewide basis.

The 20 agencies in attendance participated in two national safety mobilizations and were recipients of some of the more than $300,000 in traffic safety equipment OTSO distributes each year, according to the release.